Consumers Speak Out: The Demand for Online Price Negotiation


Online shopping has become a staple in our daily lives, providing us with convenience, variety, and often great deals. However, one feature that has yet to be fully embraced by online retailers is the ability for consumers to negotiate prices. But, is this something that consumers even want? A recent poll set out to answer this question and the results may surprise you.

The poll asked shoppers if they would like to be able to negotiate prices at online stores, and the results were overwhelmingly in favor of this feature. 76.9% of respondents said they would like to have the ability to negotiate prices, 15.4% said no, and 7.7% said they would like the feature, but only for wholesale purchases.

These results challenge the common assumption that price negotiation is only relevant for wholesale purchases. The poll sends a clear message: retail consumers are also looking for more flexibility and control when shopping online.

The ability to negotiate prices can benefit consumers in many ways. It allows for more flexibility in pricing, giving shoppers the power to make offers and receive counteroffers from the seller’s algorithm. This dynamic process can lead to better interaction between the consumer and the seller. It eliminates the long wait for quote approvals or confirmations, and takes out the risk of another buyer outbidding you at the last moment.

With online price negotiation, consumers can adjust product options throughout the negotiation process to suit their needs or to get a better price. They can also negotiate the prices of multiple products with multiple sellers simultaneously, which can save a lot of time and effort.

Results of this poll show that consumers are eager for online price negotiation to become a standard feature in online shopping. Retail buyers are just as interested in negotiating prices as wholesale buyers. is the only online marketplace that already offers this feature, giving its customers the power to save money one click at a time.

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