DillBe maintains a no-counterfeit allowance policy. We continually monitor supplier listings to make sure no counterfeit items are listed on the platform. All listings that have been found to be counterfeit or are suspected to be counterfeit will be removed from the marketplace without prior notice. Suppliers posting counterfeit listings may have their selling privileges suspended or revoked.

If a buyer receives a counterfeit product DillBe will address the issue and provide a resolution for the buyer in the following procedure:

  1. Buyer should report the item using the Counterfeit Report Form below as soon as they suspect they have identified a product as counterfeit. Buyer should provide as much information as possible, including the product name, the supplier’s name, and any evidence they have of the counterfeit nature of the product.
  2. DillBe will investigate the issue within 5 business days to determine whether the product is indeed a counterfeit. We require the seller to provide evidence of the authenticity of the product.
  3. If the product is determined to be a counterfeit, DillBe will immediately remove the listing from the platform and take appropriate action against the supplier.
  4. DillBe will provide the buyer with a full refund or a replacement product. If the product is no longer available, the buyer will be offered a refund or a store credit.
  5. DillBe will notify the brand of the counterfeit product and cooperate with law enforcement agencies to take action against the counterfeiters.
  6. DillBe will communicate with the buyer throughout the process, keeping them informed of the status of their claim and the resolution.

Counterfeit Report Form


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