DillBe’s Marketplace Concept

Where deals come to life

DillBe’s goal is to make trade easy for businesses. This means creating liquid and efficient markets, where buyers and sellers can easily agree on prices, logistics, and other terms, so that products can easily exchange hands. At DillBe we are convinced that three main principles ensure great environment for better deal-making between buyers and sellers:

Competition: A competitive market with many buyers and sellers helps ensure that prices are fair, as suppliers will be competing with each other to attract customers, and the buyers will compete for the best products.

Transparency: Deals are more likely to happen in a market where product information is complete and easily accessible, without the need for additional inquiries.

Buyer and Supplier Parity: Good deals are the ones in which both parties benefit. This is more likely to happen in a marketplace where buyers and sellers have equal ability to influence price, and not in the ones that has seller-controlled prices.

On DillBe no price is fixed. DillBe’s negotiation system ensures that buyers have as much say in the prices as the suppliers, and the final deal is a result of a fair negotiation on terms acceptable for both sides.

We promote competition by letting any legitimate business become a supplier, no matter if they are the original manufacturers or intermediary distributors. We do mandate companies to indicate it in their profiles, but both types are welcome as long as they provide great buyer experience.

The numerous product fields on dillbe.com give plenty of space for suppliers to provide accurate and complete description of their products. Suppliers are required to provide and maintain up-to-date shipping information, which has been the bottleneck for the buyers over the years.

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