From haggling to e-haggling: The future of price negotiation is online


Price negotiation has been a part of the retail shopping experience for centuries, whether it’s haggling at a street market or bargaining with a salesperson in a store. Now, the rise of e-commerce has brought about a new way of negotiating prices: e-haggling.

E-haggling is the process of negotiating prices online, through an online negotiation platform. This platform allows buyers to make an offer on a product, and the seller can instantly counteroffer through an automated system until they reach a mutually agreed upon price. Automation of the platform eliminates the wait for the counteroffer and shrinks the haggling process down to only seconds or minutes.

This new method of negotiation is becoming increasingly popular, as it provides shoppers with the convenience of online shopping, combined with the ability to haggle for the best deals. With e-haggling, shoppers can negotiate for better prices on a wide range of products, from electronics to fashion, and everything in between. E-haggling allows shoppers to purchase items that may be out of their budget by negotiating for a lower price. This feature can save shoppers time and energy, as they don’t have to go through the hassle of visiting multiple websites to find the best deal.

However, e-haggling may not always be successful if the buyer’s offer is too low. Some sellers may not have the flexibility to match low priced offers. It’s important to stay reasonable when e-haggling, as the automated negotiation systems may detect predatory strategies and reject further negotiation.

E-haggling is the future of price negotiation. It provides shoppers with the convenience of online shopping, combined with the ability to haggle for the best deals. This new method of negotiation is becoming increasingly popular and is set to change the way we shop. So next time you shop online, look an e-haggling enabled store such as and save yourself some money!

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