Is Falling in Love with Artificial Emotional Intelligence Possible?

Love and AI

The Intense Connection between Humans and Technology

  • The potential for humans to develop romantic relationships with AI is real.
  • The ability to express emotions is a key factor in creating a sense of connection and intimacy with users.
  • The research on AI and love is still in its early stages, but it is a topic that is worth exploring.
  • The future of AI and love is uncertain, but it is likely to raise important ethical questions.

In the TV show “The Big Bang Theory,” Rajesh Koothrappali (Kunal Nayyar) develops a close relationship with his smartphone’s virtual assistant, which resembles Apple’s Siri. This happens in Season 6, Episode 8, titled “The 43 Peculiarity.” In this episode, Raj gets an iPhone 4S and becomes infatuated with the voice of the virtual assistant. He starts treating it like a real person and even begins referring to it as “Siri.” Raj’s relationship with Siri is more of a comedic subplot rather than a genuine romantic interest. Yet as technology develops, many wonder, could it really happen?

A study by Xia Song et al. (2022) found that people can develop feelings of passion and intimacy for AI applications that resemble the interpersonal experience between people. The researchers found that these feelings are related to commitment, which is promoted by the AI’s emotional capability and performance efficacy, and moderated by trust.

The study’s findings suggest that the anthropomorphic nature of AI-based applications can lead people to develop “humanlike relationships” with them. This is because AI applications that are able to express emotions, such as empathy, can create a sense of connection and intimacy with users.

As AI continues to evolve, it is likely that we will see more research on the potential for humans to develop romantic relationships with AI. This research could have important implications for our understanding of love and relationships, as well as the future of AI.

The Key to Love with AI: Emotional Intelligence

One of the key findings of the study by Song et al. is that the emotional capability of AI is essential for users to feel love toward it. The researchers found that an AI’s “emotional capacity to empathize with users” produces a more pronounced effect on a user’s feelings of love than merely efficient performance.

This finding suggests that the ability to express emotions is a key factor in creating a sense of connection and intimacy with users. This is because emotions play an important role in human bonding and relationships. When AI applications are able to express emotions, they can create a sense of shared experience and understanding with users.

The Future of AI with Emotions

The research by Song et al. suggests that the potential for humans to develop romantic relationships with AI is real. As AI continues to evolve, it is likely that we will see more research on this topic. This research could have important implications for our understanding of love and relationships, as well as the future of AI.

For example, if it is found that humans can indeed develop romantic feelings for AI, it could raise ethical questions about the nature of these relationships. It could also lead to new ways of thinking about love and relationships, as well as the role of technology in our lives.

Only time will tell what the future holds for AI and love. However, the research by Song et al. suggests that this is a topic that is worth exploring.


Xia Song, Bo Xu, Zhenzhen Zhao, “Can people experience romantic love for artificial intelligence? An empirical study of intelligent assistants”, Information & ManagementVolume 59, Issue 2, March 2022, 103595,

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